Il Portello e i suoi segreti _ Portello segreto II° edizione

Associazione culturale Fantalica,

venerdì 14 luglio 2017

ore 18.30

visita guidata nel quartiere Portello


Padova messa a fuoco con gli occhi della fede

260px-ChiesaimmacolataPDBorgo Portello. Storico  asse viario di antica dominazione veneziana. Vivace approdo di giovani e dinamici universitari. Fulcro di energia positiva e polo di una fervida cristianità radicata nel territorio.

Due nomi, due storici dell’arte, due ciceroni: Loredana Pavanello e Giuseppe Cilione. Due teste  e quattro piedi che accompagneranno attraverso i luoghi sacri più caratteristici del borgo.

Prevista la visita dell’altomedievale Chiesa di Ognissanti, datata 1147, inizialmente officiata dai monaci benedettini che ne fecero un monastero, e in epoca più tarda trasformata in un collegio femminile (1818), nonché  munita di una ruota degli esposti  per accogliere i neonati rifiutati (1852). Dopo svariati interventi di restauro e abbellimento, la chiesa venne consacrata e riaperta nel 1941. Sul posto si riunivano i barcaroli del Portello e vi trovano tuttora sepoltura monache, prevosti, dottori universitari e patrizi veneti.

Dei monaci olivetani invece  era l’antica Chiesa della Beata Elena Enselmini (1208-1242, monaca padovana  legata spiritualmente a Sant’Antonio), venerata in loco a partire dalla traslazione del suo corpo incorrotto  nel 1506. L’edificio fu dagli anni ‘20 luogo di rifugio da eventi bellici per le clarisse dell’Arcella e, nel 1832, convertito in collegio femminile. Restaurata e riconsacrata a metà dell’800, fu reintitolata a San Francesco di Sales. Dopo decenni di chiusura, ripristinata nel 2016.

Fondata dall’ordine dei  Templari all’inizio del 1100, passata poi ai Cavalieri di Malta e successivamente soppressa e demolita nel 1808, fu la Chiesa della Madonna Immacolata, al tempo dedicata alla Vergine Iconia (da “cuneus”, ovvero un appezzamento stretto da due fiumi, oppure perché è probabile si trovasse all’angolo tra due strade). Luogo di culto templare per accogliere i crociati in viaggio da Venezia alla Terra Santa e gestita dai barcaroli durante il florido governo della Serenissima. Ricostruita ex novo alla metà  del XIX secolo in uno stile piuttosto eclettico ed  imponente dall’architetto Tosini.

Plurimi gli aneddoti che Pavanello e Cilione riveleranno, soddisfando anche le menti  maggiormente curiose e gli intelletti più avidi.



Top 10 attractions in Nha Trang

In primo piano

Great photography is an art form. So when you start considering beautiful imagery as a key component of a great design, your website will naturally become a work of art. 2014 has witnessed new stream of web design that places a strong emphasis on striking imagery which becomes the main focus of the website, commonly in the form of big background images.

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the guy who’ll decide where to go.

Dr. David Joe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean interdum, orci luctus dignissim gravida, augue tortor posuere ligula, nec tempus felis justo maximus odio. Ut posuere lectus risus, sed semper sem pretium tempor. Phasellus aliquet orci non lacus aliquam, non viverra velit placerat. Morbi dictum risus nec fringilla mattis.

Nulla convallis nisl id lacus interdum congue nec rhoncus ipsum. Nam venenatis semper lectus ut dignissim. Duis molestie elit et condimentum posuere. Cras ut posuere magna. Quisque nisi est, rhoncus vel congue at, eleifend imperdiet neque. In quis libero tempus, tempor erat vel, volutpat ex. Nunc urna nulla, rhoncus eu aliquet vitae, sodales eget metus. Proin egestas feugiat diam id varius.

Nullam consequat, risus et tempus tempus, lectus lacus sagittis elit, quis porta massa orci sit amet dolor. Nam non dui non tortor luctus bibendum id ut massa. Sed semper massa non lobortis ultrices. Donec sit amet arcu suscipit, elementum enim sit amet, condimentum dui. Maecenas placerat, lectus eget tincidunt tincidunt, nulla nibh luctus leo, vitae sollicitudin dolor velit in purus. Nulla leo mauris, scelerisque et turpis vitae, suscipit gravida leo.

Great photography is an art form. So when you start considering beautiful imagery as a key component of a great design, your website will naturally become a work of art. 2014 has witnessed new stream of web design that places a strong emphasis on striking imagery which becomes the main focus of the website, commonly in the form of big background images.

Visit a national park

Great photography is an art form. So when you start considering beautiful imagery as a key component of a great design, your website will naturally become a work of art. 2014 has witnessed new stream of web design that places a strong emphasis on striking imagery which becomes the main focus of the website, commonly in the form of big background images.

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the guy who’ll decide where to go.

Dr. David Joe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean interdum, orci luctus dignissim gravida, augue tortor posuere ligula, nec tempus felis justo maximus odio. Ut posuere lectus risus, sed semper sem pretium tempor. Phasellus aliquet orci non lacus aliquam, non viverra velit placerat. Morbi dictum risus nec fringilla mattis.

Nulla convallis nisl id lacus interdum congue nec rhoncus ipsum. Nam venenatis semper lectus ut dignissim. Duis molestie elit et condimentum posuere. Cras ut posuere magna. Quisque nisi est, rhoncus vel congue at, eleifend imperdiet neque. In quis libero tempus, tempor erat vel, volutpat ex. Nunc urna nulla, rhoncus eu aliquet vitae, sodales eget metus. Proin egestas feugiat diam id varius.

Nullam consequat, risus et tempus tempus, lectus lacus sagittis elit, quis porta massa orci sit amet dolor. Nam non dui non tortor luctus bibendum id ut massa. Sed semper massa non lobortis ultrices. Donec sit amet arcu suscipit, elementum enim sit amet, condimentum dui. Maecenas placerat, lectus eget tincidunt tincidunt, nulla nibh luctus leo, vitae sollicitudin dolor velit in purus. Nulla leo mauris, scelerisque et turpis vitae, suscipit gravida leo.

Great photography is an art form. So when you start considering beautiful imagery as a key component of a great design, your website will naturally become a work of art. 2014 has witnessed new stream of web design that places a strong emphasis on striking imagery which becomes the main focus of the website, commonly in the form of big background images.

Son Doong Cave Expedition

Great photography is an art form. So when you start considering beautiful imagery as a key component of a great design, your website will naturally become a work of art. 2014 has witnessed new stream of web design that places a strong emphasis on striking imagery which becomes the main focus of the website, commonly in the form of big background images.

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the guy who’ll decide where to go.

Dr. David Joe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean interdum, orci luctus dignissim gravida, augue tortor posuere ligula, nec tempus felis justo maximus odio. Ut posuere lectus risus, sed semper sem pretium tempor. Phasellus aliquet orci non lacus aliquam, non viverra velit placerat. Morbi dictum risus nec fringilla mattis.

Nulla convallis nisl id lacus interdum congue nec rhoncus ipsum. Nam venenatis semper lectus ut dignissim. Duis molestie elit et condimentum posuere. Cras ut posuere magna. Quisque nisi est, rhoncus vel congue at, eleifend imperdiet neque. In quis libero tempus, tempor erat vel, volutpat ex. Nunc urna nulla, rhoncus eu aliquet vitae, sodales eget metus. Proin egestas feugiat diam id varius.

Nullam consequat, risus et tempus tempus, lectus lacus sagittis elit, quis porta massa orci sit amet dolor. Nam non dui non tortor luctus bibendum id ut massa. Sed semper massa non lobortis ultrices. Donec sit amet arcu suscipit, elementum enim sit amet, condimentum dui. Maecenas placerat, lectus eget tincidunt tincidunt, nulla nibh luctus leo, vitae sollicitudin dolor velit in purus. Nulla leo mauris, scelerisque et turpis vitae, suscipit gravida leo.

Great photography is an art form. So when you start considering beautiful imagery as a key component of a great design, your website will naturally become a work of art. 2014 has witnessed new stream of web design that places a strong emphasis on striking imagery which becomes the main focus of the website, commonly in the form of big background images.

Visit to the Kingdom

Great photography is an art form. So when you start considering beautiful imagery as a key component of a great design, your website will naturally become a work of art. 2014 has witnessed new stream of web design that places a strong emphasis on striking imagery which becomes the main focus of the website, commonly in the form of big background images.

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the guy who’ll decide where to go.

Dr. David Joe


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean interdum, orci luctus dignissim gravida, augue tortor posuere ligula, nec tempus felis justo maximus odio. Ut posuere lectus risus, sed semper sem pretium tempor. Phasellus aliquet orci non lacus aliquam, non viverra velit placerat. Morbi dictum risus nec fringilla mattis.

Nulla convallis nisl id lacus interdum congue nec rhoncus ipsum. Nam venenatis semper lectus ut dignissim. Duis molestie elit et condimentum posuere. Cras ut posuere magna. Quisque nisi est, rhoncus vel congue at, eleifend imperdiet neque. In quis libero tempus, tempor erat vel, volutpat ex. Nunc urna nulla, rhoncus eu aliquet vitae, sodales eget metus. Proin egestas feugiat diam id varius.

Nullam consequat, risus et tempus tempus, lectus lacus sagittis elit, quis porta massa orci sit amet dolor. Nam non dui non tortor luctus bibendum id ut massa. Sed semper massa non lobortis ultrices. Donec sit amet arcu suscipit, elementum enim sit amet, condimentum dui. Maecenas placerat, lectus eget tincidunt tincidunt, nulla nibh luctus leo, vitae sollicitudin dolor velit in purus. Nulla leo mauris, scelerisque et turpis vitae, suscipit gravida leo.

Great photography is an art form. So when you start considering beautiful imagery as a key component of a great design, your website will naturally become a work of art. 2014 has witnessed new stream of web design that places a strong emphasis on striking imagery which becomes the main focus of the website, commonly in the form of big background images.